GOOD NEWS FROM THAILAND!International travellers to Thailand will no longer be required to show proof of vaccination or ATK test results, and a longer length of stay will be on offer, signalling the completion of the kingdom’s full reopening to...

Arrival to Thailand Rokotetuilla matkustajilla on oltava seuraavat asiakirjat päästäkseen Thaimaahan: Voimassa oleva passi. Todistus koronarokotuksesta Kaikkien yli 18-vuotiaiden tulee olla täysin rokotettuja viimeistään 14 päivää ennen matkaa. 5-17-vuotiaat ilman huoltajaa matkustavat on rokotettava kerran viimeistään 14 päivää ennen matkaa. Vanhempien...

Currently Thailand is experiencing a mild 3rd wave of Covid-19 that as the cases started to increase in April 2021. However, when comparing to most other countries the number of infections and/or deaths remain very low. REOPENING PHUKET - 1 JULY 2021...
Currently Thailand is experiencing a mild 2nd wave of Covid-19 pandemic and has tighten the domestic travelling rules. However, when comparing to any other country the number of infections and/or deaths remain as on of the best in the world....